Haddad Nadworny Sat, Apr 14, 2018 @ 07:30 AM 5 min read

SSI,SSDI & More- Your Social Security Questions

The Special Needs Financial Planning Team  Cynthia Haddad, CFP | John  Nadworny, CFP | Alexandria Nadworny, CFP  We are committed to offering educational workshops to organizations and parent  groups.  Please call Alex or click here to attend a workshop or discuss a presentation  to your group.
Social Security Benefits for People with Disabilities- April 26, 2018


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 Social security
Some Facts and Figures:
56 million Americans, or 1-in-5, live with disabilities.
38 million disabled Americans, or 1-in-10, live with severe disabilities.
Payments are modest: 

As of December 2016, Social Security paid an average monthly disability benefit of $1,171.15. That’s barely enough to keep a beneficiary above the poverty level ($12,060 annually).

What is Social Security Disability Income (SSDI)?

Social Security disability is a social insurance program under which workers earn coverage for benefits, by working and paying Social Security taxes on their earnings. The program provides benefits to disabled workers and to their dependents. For those who can no longer work due to a disability, our disability program is there to replace some of their lost income.

What is Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a Federal income supplement program funded by general tax revenues (not Social Security taxes) to help aged, blind, and disabled people, who have little or no income; and provide cash to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.


Social Security Disability Insurance

Supplemental Security Income

Payments come from the Social Security trust funds and are based on a person’s earnings.

Payments come from the general treasury fund, NOT the Social Security trust funds. SSI payments are not based on a person’s earnings.

An insurance that workers earn by paying Social Security taxes on their wages.

A needs-based public assistance program that does not require a person to have work history.

Pays benefits to disabled individuals who are unable to work, regardless of their income and resources.

Pays disabled individuals who are unable to work AND have limited income and resources.

Benefits for workers and for adults disabled since childhood. Must meet insured status requirements.

Benefits for children and adults in financial need. Must have limited income and limited resources.

Contact Alex to learn more.